Decision Tree


Decision Tree


Simple Structure
Each internal node tests one features $x_i$.
Each branch from an internal node represents one outcome of the test.
Each leaf predicts $y$ or $P(y|x)$

Top-down decision tree learning

MakeSubtree(set of training instances $D$)
$\quad\quad C$ = DetermineCandidateSplits($D$)
$\quad\quad$if stopping criteria met:
$\quad\quad\quad\quad$make a leaf node $N$ determine class label/probabilities for $N$
$\quad\quad\quad\quad$make an internal node $N$
$\quad\quad S$ = FindBestSplit($D$, $C$)
$\quad\quad\quad\quad$for each outcome $k$ of $S$:
$\quad\quad D_k$ = subset of instances that have outcome $k$
$\quad\quad\quad\quad k^{th}$ child of $N$ = MakeSubtree($D_k$)
$\quad\quad$return subtree rooted

Candidate Splits

  1. Splits on nominal features have one branch per value.
  2. Splits on numeric features use a threshold.

Pseudocode of Candidate splits on numeric features
# Run this subroutine for each numeric feature at each node of DT induction
DetermineCandidateNumericSplits(set of training instances $D$, feature $X_i$):
$\quad\quad C$ = { } # initialize set of candidate splits for feature $X_i$
$\quad\quad S$ = partition instances in $D$ into sets $s_1 \cdots s_V$ where the instances in each set have the same value for $X_i$
$\quad\quad$let $v_j$ denote the value of $X_i$ for set $s_j$
$\quad\quad$sort the sets in $S$ using $v_j$ as the key for each $s_j$
$\quad\quad$for each pair of adjacent sets $s_j$, $s_{j+1}$ in sorted $S$:
$\quad\quad \quad\quad$if $s_j$ and $s_{j+1}$ contain a pair of instances with different class labels:
$\quad\quad \quad\quad$# assume we’re using midpoints for splits
$\quad\quad \quad\quad$add candidate split $X_i ≤ (v_j + v_{j+1})/2$ to $C$
$\quad\quad$return $C$

Finding the best splits

Key Hypothesis
The simpliest tree that classifies the training instances accuractely will work well on previously unseen instances.

Information-theoretic heuristic
Owing to the fact that finding the smallest possible decision tree that accurately classifies the training set is a NP-hard problem, an information-theoretic heuristic approach will be applied to greedily choose splits.

Entropy is a measure of uncertainty associated with a random variable, which is defined as the expected number of bits required to communicate the value of the variable.
\(H(Y) = - \sum_{y\in values(Y)}p(y)\log_2P(y)\)

Conditional Entropy
\(H(Y|X) = \sum_{x\in values(X)}P(X=x)H(Y|X=x)\)
\(H(Y|X=x) = - \sum_{y\in values(Y)}p(Y=y|X=x)\log_2P(Y=y|X=x)\)

Information Gain (a.k.a mutual information)

  • choosing splits in ID3: select the split S that most reduces the conditional entropy of Y for training set D
    \(InfoGain(D,S) = H_D(Y) - H_D(Y|S)\)
    $D$ indicates that we’re calculating probabilities using the specific sample $D$

Gain Ratio
Information gain will be biased towards tests with many outcomes, and Gain ratio is introduced to address this limitation.

\[GainRatio(D,S) = \frac{InfoGain(D,S)}{H_D(S)} = \frac{H_D(Y)-H_D(Y|S)}{H_D(S)}\]

Gain ratio normalizes the information gain by the entropy of the split being considered.



  1. Noise in the training data
  2. Limited size of the training data, causing difference from the true distribution.
  3. Larger the hypothesis class, easier to find a hypothesis that fits the difference between the training data and the true distribution.


  1. Clean training data.
  2. Collect more training data.
  3. Occam’s Razor, get rid of the unnecessary hypotheses.

Avoiding overfitting in Decision Tree learning

  1. Early stopping: Stop if further splitting not justified by a statistical test.
    • ID3
  2. Post-pruning: Grow a large tree, then prune back some nodes.
    • More robust to myopia of greedy tree learning
    • Example: C4.5 pruning
      1. Split given data into training and validation(tuning) sets.
      2. Grow a complete tree.
      3. Do until further pruning is harmful
        • Evaluate impact on tuning-set accuracy of pruning each node.
        • Greedily remove the one that most improves tuning-set accuracy.

Validation Sets (a.k.a tuning set)
Subset of the training set that is held aside

  • Not used for primary training process.
  • Used to select among models.

Regression Trees
Leaves have functions that predict numeric values instead of class labels, or say, Decision trees where the target variable can take continuous values (typically real numbers) are called regression trees.


  • CART does least squares regression which tries to minimize
    \(\begin{aligned} &\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\sum_{i=1}^{|D|}(y^{(i)} - \hat{y}^{(i)})^2 \\ &= \sum_{L\in leaves}\sum_{i\in L}(y^{(i)} - \hat{y}^{(i)})^2 \end{aligned}\)
  • At each internal node, CART chooses the split that most reduces this quantity.

Probability estimation trees
Leaves estimate the probability of each class.

m-of-n splits
Found via a hill-climbing search

  • Initial state: best 1-of-1 (ordinary) binary split
  • Evaluation function: Information gain
  • Operators:
    • m-of-n $\rightarrow$ m-of-(n+1)
    • m-of-n $\rightarrow$ (m+1)-of-(n+1)

Lookahead Algorithm
Aims to alleviate a shortcoming of the hill-climbing search, that is myopia. The meaning of myopia is that an important feature may not appear to be informative until used in conjunction with other features.

OrdinaryFindBestSplit(set of training instances $D$, set of candidate splits $C$):
$\quad\quad$maxgain = -$∞$
$\quad\quad$for each split $S$ in $C$
$\quad\quad \quad\quad$gain = InfoGain($D$, $S$)
$\quad\quad \quad\quad$if gain > maxgain
$\quad\quad \quad\quad$maxgain = gain
$\quad\quad S_{best}$ = $S$
$\quad\quad$return $S_{best}$

LookaheadFindBestSplit(set of training instances $D$, set of candidate splits $C$):
$\quad\quad$maxgain = -$∞$
$\quad\quad$for each split $S$ in $C$
$\quad\quad \quad\quad$gain = EvaluateSplit($D$, $S$)
$\quad\quad \quad\quad$if gain > maxgain
$\quad\quad \quad\quad$maxgain = gain
$\quad\quad S_{best} = S$
$\quad\quad$return $S_{best}$

EvaluateSplit($D$, $C$, $S$):
$\quad\quad$if a split on $S$ separates instances by class (i.e. $H_D(Y|S) = 0$):
$\quad\quad \quad\quad$# no need to split further
$\quad\quad \quad\quad$ return $H_D(Y) - H_D(Y|S)$
$\quad\quad \quad\quad$for each outcome $k$ of $S$:
$\quad\quad \quad\quad$# see what the splits at the next level would be
$\quad\quad D_k$ = subset of instances that have outcome k
$\quad\quad S_k$ = OrdinaryFindBestSplit($D_k$, $C$ – $S$)
$\quad\quad \quad\quad$# return information gain that would result from this 2-level subtree
$\quad\quad \quad\quad$return $H_D(Y)-(\sum_k\frac{|D_k|}{|D|}H_{D_k}(Y|S=k, S_k))$

  1. Feature will not be reused.