Ensemble Method
- Definition: A set of learned models whose individual decisions are combined in some way to make predictions for new instances.
- When ensemble does a better job? The errors made by the individual predictors are (somewhat) uncorrelated, and the predictors’ error rates are better than guessing (< 0.5 for 2-class problem)
- Diverse classifiers
Encourage diversity in their errors by
- choosing a variety of learning algorithms
- choosing a variety of settings (e.g. # hidden units in neural nets) for the learning algorithm
- choosing different subsamples of the training set (bagging)
- using different probability distributions over the training instances (boosting, skewing)
- choosing different features and subsamples (random forests)
(Bootstrap Aggregation)
- Algorithm:
- Learning:
- Given: Learner $L$, training set $D = {(x_1,y_1) \ldots (x_m,y_m)}$
- Action:
for $i \leftarrow 1$ to $T$:
$\quad\quad$ $D^{(i)} \leftarrow m$ instances randomly drawn with replacement from $D$.
$\quad\quad$ $h_i \leftarrow$ model learned using $L$ on $D^{(i)}$
- Predition:
- Classification:
- Given: Test instance $x$
- Action: predict $y \leftarrow$ plurality_vote($h_1(x), \ldots h_T(x)$)
- Regression:
- Given: Test instance $x_t$
- Action: predict $y \leftarrow$ plurality_vote($h_1(x), \ldots h_T(x)$)
- Classification:
- Learning:
- Comments
- each sampled training set is a bootstrap replicate
- contains m instances (the same as the original training set)
- on average it includes 63.2% of the original training set
- some instances appear multiple times
- can be used with any base learner
- works best with unstable learning methods: those for which small changes in D result in relatively large changes in learned models, i.e., those that tend to overfit training data.
- each sampled training set is a bootstrap replicate
- Intuition
- Boosting came out of the PAC learning community.
- A weak PAC learning algorithm is one that cannot PAC learn for arbitrary ε and δ, but it can for some: its hypotheses are at least slightly better than random guessing.
- Suppose we have a weak PAC learning algorithm L for a concept class C. Can we use L as a subroutine to create a (strong) PAC learner for C?
- Yes, by boosting! [Schapire, Machine Learning 1990]
- The original boosting algorithm was of theoretical interest, but assumed an unbounded source of training instances.
- A later boosting algorithm, AdaBoost, has had notable practical success.
- Algorithm of AdaBoost
- Given: Learner $L$, # stages $T$ (or say iteration number), training set $D = {(x_1,y_1) \ldots (x_m,y_m)}$
- Pseudocode: ($i$ denotes the $i^{th}$ instance)
for all $i: w_1(i) \leftarrow \frac{1}{m}$ $\quad$// initialize instance weights
for $t\leftarrow 1$ to $T$ do
$\quad\quad$for all $i: p_t(i) \leftarrow \frac{w_t(i)}{\sum_jw_t(j)} \quad$// normalize weights
$\quad\quad h_t \leftarrow$ model learned using $L$ on $D$ and $p_t$
$\quad\quad$ $\epsilon_t \leftarrow \sum_ip_t(i)(1-\delta(h_t(x_i), y_i)$ $\quad$// calculate weighted error
$\quad\quad$if $\epsilon_t>0.5$ then
$\quad\quad \quad\quad T\leftarrow t-1$
$\quad\quad \quad\quad$break
$\quad\quad \beta_t \leftarrow \frac{\epsilon_t}{1-\epsilon_t} \quad$ // lower error, smaller $\beta_t$
$\quad\quad$for all $i$ where $h_t(x_i) = y_i \quad$ // downweight correct examples
$\quad\quad$$\quad\quad w_{t+l}(i) \leftarrow w_t(i)\beta_t$
$\quad\quad$ $h(x) = \arg\max_y\sum_{t=1}^T(\log{\frac{1}{\beta_t}})\delta(h_t(x), y)$ - Comments:
- $\delta()$ is the error function, $E(h(x), i, y) = e^{-y_ih(x_i)}$
- Implementing weighted instances with AdaBoost
- AdaBoost calls the base learner $L$ with probability distribution $p_t$ specified by weights on the instances.
- There are two ways to handle this
- Adapt $L$ to learn from weighted instances; straightforward for decision trees and naïve Bayes, among others
- Sample a large (» m) unweighted set of instances according to $p_t$; run $L$ in the ordinary manner
Bagging vs. Boosting
- Bagging almost always better than single decision tree or neural net
- Boosting can be much better than bagging
- Boosting can sometimes reduce accuracy (too much emphasis on outliers?)
Random forests
- Algorithm:
- Learning:
- Given: Candidate feature splits $F$, training set $D = {(x_1,y_1) \ldots (x_m,y_m)}$
- Action:
for $i \leftarrow 1$ to $T$:
$\quad\quad D^{(i)} \leftarrow m$ instances randomly drawn with replacement from $D$.
$\quad\quad h_i \leftarrow$ randomized decision tree learned with $F, D^{(i)}$
- Randomized decision tree learning:
- To select a split at a node
$\quad\quad R ←$ randomly select (without replacement) $f$ feature splits from $F$ (where $f \approx \sqrt{|F|}$)
$\quad\quad$ choose the best feature split in $R$. - do not prune trees.
- To select a split at a node
- Predition:
- Classification/Regression:
As in bagging
- Classification/Regression:
- Learning:
PREVIOUSSupport Vector Machine
NEXTSection 1.1